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English language proficiency tests are a vital requirement for individuals aspiring to study, work, or migrate to English-speaking countries. Among the most popular tests are the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Pearson Test of English (PTE). Both exams are widely recognized and accepted by academic institutions and immigration authorities. However, they differ in several aspects, including test format, scoring system, and test content. In this article, we will compare IELTS and PTE to help you understand their similarities and differences, enabling you to make an informed decision about which test suits your needs. 

IELTS: A Comprehensive Language Test  

The International English Language Testing System, commonly known as IELTS, is a widely recognized test for assessing English language proficiency. It is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP Education, and Cambridge Assessment English. IELTS evaluates four language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It is accepted by more than 10,000 organizations worldwide, including universities, employers, immigration authorities, and professional bodies.


ielts vs pte

  • Length: IELTS is a 2-hour 45-minute test that is divided into four sections: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking.
  • Format: IELTS is a paper-based or computer-based test.
  • Score: IELTS scores range from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.
  • Acceptance: IELTS is accepted by universities and other institutions in over 140 countries.

Pearson Test of English (PTE) 

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) is an English language proficiency test that is computer-based and consists of 4 sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. It is accepted by universities and other institutions in over 100 countries.

Length: The PTE Academic test is 2 hours and 20 minutes long, including a 10-minute break. The Listening and Reading sections are each 30 minutes long, the Writing section is 45 minutes long, and the Speaking section is 54 minutes long.

Format: The PTE Academic test is scored on a scale of 10 to 90, with 90 being the highest score. Your score is based on your performance on all four sections of the test. The Listening and Reading sections are scored on a scale of 1 to 90, while the Writing and Speaking sections are scored on a scale of 1 to 60.

Score: Some details about the scoring of the PTE Academic test:

  • Overall score: Your overall score is calculated by averaging your scores from the Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking sections. The overall score ranges from 10 to 90, with 90 being the highest score.
  • Communicative skills scores: Your communicative skills scores are your scores for each of the four individual skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. These scores range from 1 to 60, with 60 being the highest score.
  • Re-speaking score: The Re-speaking section is a short, optional section that tests your ability to repeat a short passage of text. If you choose to take the Re-speaking section, your score will be added to your overall score.

Acceptance: The PTE Academic test is accepted by universities and other institutions in over 100 countries. The test is particularly popular in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. The minimum PTE score required for admission to a university or institution will vary depending on the institution.


ielts vs pearson (pte)


Test Fee:

The fees for IELTS and PTE in India may vary depending on the test centre and location. Please note that fees are subject to change, and it is always recommended to check the official websites of IELTS and PTE for the most up-to-date information.


For the IELTS exam in India, the registration fee is Rs. 16,250. This fee covers the cost of all four sections of the test (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking). Additionally, some test centres may charge an administrative fee for processing the registration.


As for the PTE exam, the registration fee in India ranged from approximately Rs. 15,900. This fee covers the entire test, including all sections (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) conducted in a computer-based format.


Test Format:

One of the key differences between IELTS and PTE lies in their test formats. IELTS is available in two versions: Academic and General Training. The Academic module is designed for individuals seeking admission to universities or professional registration, while the General Training module is suitable for those planning to work or migrate to an English-speaking country. IELTS comprises four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking, and it is a paper-based test.


On the other hand, PTE is a computer-based test that assesses all four language skills – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking – in a single three-hour session. The test is entirely computerized, including the Speaking section, which is recorded using a computer microphone. PTE offers a unique experience as it utilizes advanced technology to assess language skills, such as automated scoring algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to evaluate spoken and written responses.

Scoring System: 

Both IELTS and PTE employ different scoring systems to assess test takers' English language proficiency. IELTS uses a 9-band scale, where each band corresponds to a specific level of language ability, ranging from band 1 (non-user) to band 9 (expert user). Test takers receive a score for each section and an overall band score, which is an average of the four sections.


In contrast, PTE uses a scoring system based on a scale of 10-90, where 10 represents the lowest level of proficiency, and 90 indicates native-like fluency. PTE scores are based on item response theory, a statistical model that evaluates the difficulty level of each question. This means that the score reflects the test taker's ability, rather than just a comparison to other test takers.

Test Content: 

The content and structure of the IELTS and PTE tests differ in several ways. IELTS Reading and Writing sections consist of longer passages and essay-style responses. The Listening section includes a variety of audio recordings, while the Speaking section is conducted face-to-face with an examiner. IELTS emphasizes comprehension, critical thinking, and the ability to express oneself coherently.


PTE, on the other hand, incorporates shorter, task-based questions in the Reading and Listening sections, such as multiple-choice, fill in the blanks, and summarizing information. The Writing section in PTE requires test takers to write essays, summarize written texts, and interpret visual information. The Speaking section in PTE is recorded and evaluated by AI algorithms, assessing pronunciation, fluency, and content.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between IELTS and PTE:





Mode of delivery

Paper or computer

Computer only


Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking

Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Re-speaking


1 to 9

10 to 90


Widely accepted

Less widely accepted


INR 16,250

INR 15,900


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Which Test to Choose? 

Deciding between IELTS and PTE depends on various factors, including personal preference, test format familiarity, and the requirements of the organization or institution you are applying to. Some universities and institutions may have specific preferences or requirements, so it is important to check their guidelines before choosing a test.


If you are comfortable with a traditional pen-and-paper test format and prefer face-to-face interaction for the Speaking section, IELTS might be a suitable choice. On the other hand, if you are more comfortable with computer-based tests and prefer the convenience of completing all sections in one sitting, PTE could be the better option.


Ultimately, both IELTS and PTE aim to assess your English language proficiency accurately. They have their own strengths and unique features, and it's important to consider your own strengths, weaknesses, and preferences when making a decision. It may be helpful to take practice tests for both exams and seek guidance from experienced test takers or educational consultants to make an informed choice.


IELTS and PTE are both reputable and widely accepted English language proficiency tests. While they differ in test format, scoring system, and test content, they both provide an effective evaluation of your language abilities. Carefully consider your individual needs and preferences to select the test that aligns with your goals and aspirations, helping you take the next step in your academic or professional journey.


In conclusion, choosing between IELTS and PTE requires careful consideration of various factors. Both tests, IELTS and PTE, are reputable and widely recognized assessments of English language proficiency, accepted by numerous academic institutions and immigration authorities worldwide. While they share the same purpose of evaluating language skills, they differ in test format, scoring system, test content, and the overall testing experience.


IELTS offers the opportunity to engage directly with an examiner, showcasing your ability to communicate effectively in a conversational setting. The test content of IELTS emphasizes comprehension, critical thinking, and coherent expression in longer passages and essay-style responses.


On the other hand, if you are comfortable with computer-based tests and value the convenience of completing all sections in one sitting, PTE may be more suitable. PTE utilizes advanced technology, including AI algorithms, for the assessment of spoken and written responses. The test format includes shorter, task-based questions in the Reading and Listening sections, and the Speaking section is recorded using a computer microphone.


Consider your personal preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and familiarity with the test formats when making your decision. It is also essential to check the specific requirements of the organizations or institutions you are applying to, as some may have preferences or even specific test requirements.


Furthermore, take advantage of available resources such as practice tests, study materials, and guidance from experienced test takers or educational consultants. Preparing for either IELTS or PTE requires dedication and practice, so ensure you allocate sufficient time and effort to familiarize yourself with the test structure and improve your language skills.


Remember that the ultimate goal is to demonstrate your English language proficiency accurately, allowing you to pursue your academic, professional, or migration goals successfully. Both IELTS and PTE serve this purpose, and by making an informed decision based on your unique circumstances, you can select the test that aligns with your preferences and maximizes your chances of success.


In the end, whichever test you choose, approach it with confidence, thorough preparation, and a positive mindset. With dedication and the right resources, you can showcase your English language abilities and open doors to a world of opportunities.


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Ques 1. What is IELTS?


Ans. IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is an English language proficiency test that is widely accepted by universities and other institutions around the world. The test is available in two versions: Academic and General Training.


Ques 2. What is PTE?


Ans. PTE stands for Pearson Test of English. It is an English language proficiency test that is also widely accepted by universities and other institutions around the world. The test is only available in one version, which is called PTE Academic.


Ques 3. What are the differences between IELTS and PTE?


Ans. There are a few key differences between IELTS and PTE. These differences include:

  • Mode of delivery: IELTS can be taken on paper or on a computer, while PTE is only available on a computer.
  • Number of sections: IELTS has 4 sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. PTE has 5 sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Re-speaking.
  • Scoring: IELTS scores range from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest score. PTE scores range from 10 to 90, with 90 being the highest score.
  • Acceptance: IELTS is more widely accepted than PTE.
  • Cost: The cost of taking IELTS and PTE may vary depending on the location of the test centre.

Ques 4. Which test is more difficult?


Ans. There is no clear answer to this question, as both tests have their own challenges. However, studies have shown that there is very little difference in the scores between the two tests. Ultimately, the difficulty of each test will depend on your individual strengths and weaknesses as an English language learner.

Ques 5. Which test should I take?


Ans. The best test for you will depend on your individual circumstances and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

  • The institutions you are applying to: Which test is more widely accepted by the institutions you are interested in?
  • Your personal preferences: Do you prefer to take a test on paper or on a computer? Do you prefer a test with 4 sections or 5 sections?
  • Your budget: How much are you willing to spend on the test?

Ques 6. What are the pros and cons of IELTS?


Ans. Pros:

  • More widely accepted than PTE.
  • More research on its reliability and validity.
  • Can be taken on paper or on a computer.


  • Longer test than PTE.
  • Marked by humans, which can introduce some subjectivity.

Ques 7. What are the pros and cons of PTE?


Ans. Pros:

  • Computer-based test, which may be a better option for some test-takers.
  • Shorter test than IELTS.
  • More objective as it is marked by a computer.


  • Not as widely accepted as IELTS.
  • Newer test, so there is less research on its reliability and validity.
  • Can be more expensive than IELTS.

Ques 8. What are the registration requirements for IELTS and PTE?


Ans. The registration requirements for IELTS and PTE are similar. You will need to provide your personal information, such as your name, date of birth, and contact information. You will also need to pay the test fee.

Ques 9. How do I prepare for IELTS and PTE?


Ans. There are many resources available to help you prepare for IELTS and PTE. You can find practice tests, sample questions, and study guides online and in libraries. You can also take a preparation course offered by a reputable institution.

Ques 10. What are the benefits of taking IELTS or PTE?


Ans. There are many benefits to taking IELTS or PTE. These benefits include:

  • Proving your English language proficiency to universities and other institutions.
  • Increasing your chances of getting a job or scholarship.
  • Opening up new opportunities for travel and study.
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