Everything you need to know about visa appointments
If you are reading this article, it means that you have been successful in getting your admission. Applying for visa is the last step before your travel abroad to realise your dreams. For many students the process of applying for visa could be a very confusing and challenging process. It is understandable as every country have their own set of rules and process and it could vary from one another. However, every visa application process will have standard set of practices and in this article, we help you to become familiar about how to go about the process.
Book your appointment well ahead:
Say your course begins in 3 months’ time and you have been told that you need 1 month for visa process. This doesn’t mean that you must wait for 2 months to apply for visa. You can always book an earlier date just so that you can make sure that any delays will not affect the process. If there is a need for any supporting documents, having that additional time may help you with that. All the countries offer appointments online, make sure you check them out. When you book appointment make sure you use your passport details and enter information accurately because your passport is the only valid document countries accept to offer visa.
Have complete documentation:
Just because you can doesn’t necessarily mean that you book an earlier date, especially when your documentation is not complete. Always make sure that you have complete documentation, including your personal documents and the documents from the college or university in order and are readily available. You do not want a scenario where you have booked the visa appointment and then you look for documents.
Arrive well ahead:
It is always better to be ahead of time; this means you will not be affected by traffic or vehicle problems are any such issues. This will help you to be relaxed and go through different process such as security checks without worrying about time.
Always provide genuine information:
If you have applied for the visa earlier and have been refused it is very important that you disclose that information to the visa officer. It is crucial that you provide genuine documents and genuine information.
Do not skip questions or provide false answers:
Providing genuine information is one thing, trying to skip questions or providing false information may not only will get your visa refused but could also lead to a ban. This means that based on their policy you will not be able to apply for visa again for a long duration. To avoid this always answer all the questions, even if you feel it is unfavourable to your application.
Dress appropriately:
Yes, you may be providing photographs that doesn’t mean that you can dress casually for a visa application process. Some countries prefer to take the photos on spot, even if that is not the case, it is always important to create that good first impression and that can be achieved by dressing appropriately. Even if you don’t want to dress too much, wearing formals is always preferred and suggested to all candidates.
Do not argue with the visa official:
This is the worst thing you could do at the visa process. There may be contradictory opinions about certain process, it is always better to agree with the visa officials as they are the ones who would decide. You can still make your point in a polite manner, however, there is no scope for being rude or arguing.